inABZ Services
Abrasive Wheels – Training
Training Objectives
To pass the knowledge of current regulations and skills necessary to safely use, and the
mounting, of abrasive wheels, therefore reducing the risk of accidents. This training course
provides formal training to personnel responsible for the maintenance of abrasive wheels
and associated equipment.
Course contents
Classroom session to cover the following:
Current legislation
Potential hazards when using Abrasive Wheels
Abrasive Wheel markings and indicators – manufacturer, type, speed
Methods for storing, handling and transporting Abrasive Wheels
The use and function of Abrasive Wheel equipment
Practical session to cover the following:
Pre-use inspection of Abrasive Wheel equipment and Abrasive Wheels
Correct method of mounting Abrasive Wheels to equipment – safety considerations
Use of equipment while grinding
Adjustment of guards and rests
Demonstration of:
Dressing and Trueing an Abrasive Wheel
The practical elements will include the use of bench/pedestal machines and portable
machines where appropriate.
Delegates will be required to pass a written assessment at the end of the training course.