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inABZ Services

ROV Trainee Pilot Technician - Training

Steve Benzie of inABZ Limited has developed and delivered ROV Trainee Pilot

Technician training courses for over 30 intakes of personnel.

The training, based on the IMCA guidance document IMCA R 002, is designed to provide

personnel with an understanding of the Oil, Gas and Renewables or Energy industry and

ROV’s prior to personnel going to their first offshore work locations.

The format of the training includes the following as well as any ‘Company’ required


  • Description on the Oil, Gas and Renewables or Energy industry, focussing on the

        subsea elements


  • ROV and subsea operations

  • ROV systems

  • ROV components

  • ROV electrical systems

  • ROV hydraulic systems

  • ROV instrumentation

  • ROV Simulator training and performance assessment

Throughout the above elements the need for personnel to demonstrate a good Health and

Safety attitude is constantly emphasised as is the need for personnel to demonstrate their

Competence as ROV Pilot Technician’s.

inABZ can assist companies with the evaluation of CV’s from potential candidates for the

position of Trainee ROV Pilot Technician or for similar positions re-subsea equipment.

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